Programa de Pós-Graduação em Matemática

The event



Scientific Committee

  Local Committee

UFSCar Summer Webinar on PDEs

17 - 19th February 2021

UFSCar's Lake

Wednesday 17

Thursday 18 Friday 19 

 08:50 - 09:00 (UTC-3)



 09:00 - 09:45 (UTC-3)

João Marcos do Ó

Manuel Del Pino Patrizia Pucci

 10:00 - 10:45 (UTC-3) 

Lucio Boccardo

Augusto Ponce David Arcoya

 11:00 -11:45 (UTC-3)

Andrzej Szulkin

Eduardo Teixeira Boyan Sirakov

 13:30 - 14:15 (UTC-3)


Claudianor Alves Denis Bonheure

 14:30 - 15:15 (UTC-3)


Giovany Figueiredo


All the lectures will be broadcast at the PPGM-UFSCar YouTube Channel. 


Links to the live stream each day on the webinar:


◊   Link to the morning talks on Wednesday, February 17th 2021, starting at 08:50 am (UTC-3):


◊   Link to the morning talks on Thursday, February 18th 2021, starting at 09:00 am (UTC-3):


◊   Link to the afternoon talk on Thursday, February 18th 2021, starting at 13:30 (UTC-3):


◊   Link to the morning talks on Friday, February 19th 2021, starting at 09:00 am (UTC-3):


◊   Link to the afternoon talks on Friday, February 19th 2021, starting at 13:30 (UTC-3):