A Sobolev-type inequality for the curl-operator and ground states for the curl-curl equation with critical Sobolev exponent |
Prof. Andrzej Szulkin
Date: 17th February | 11:00 am - 11:45 am (UTC -3) | Link: PPGM/UFSCar Youtube channel |
Abstract: Let Ω be a domain in R3 and let S(Ω):=inf{|∇u|22/|u|26: u∈C0∞(Ω,R3)\{0}} be the Sobolev constant with respect to the embedding D1,2(Ω)→L6(Ω). As is well known, S(Ω) is independent of Ω, it is attained if and only if Ω = R3 and the infimum is taken by ground state solutions for the equation −∆u = |u|4u in D1,2(R3) (the Aubin-Talenti instantons). In this talk we will be concerned with the curl operator ∇×·. In order to define a Sobolev-type constant it seems natural to replace S(Ω) by S(Ω):=inf{|∇ × u|22/|u|26: u∈C0∞(Ω,R3)\{0}}. However, since the kernel of curl is nontrivial (∇×u = 0 ∀u =∇φ), this constant would always be 0. After discussing the physical background we will define another constant, Scurl(Ω), as a certain infimum. It has the following properties: Scurl(Ω) > S(Ω); Scurl(Ω) is independent of Ω; the infimum is attained when Ω = R3 and is taken by a ground state solution to the equation ∇×(∇×u)=|u|4u (which is related to Maxwell’s equations). The problem of (non)existence of the minimum for Ω ̸=R3 remains open. If time permits, we shall briefly discuss the Brezis-Nirenberg problem for the curl-curl operator on bounded domains. This is joint work with Jaroslaw Mederski. |