Trudinger–Moser-type inequality in weighted spaces |
Prof. João Marcos Do Ó
Date: 15th February | 14:30 pm - 15:15 pm (UTC -3) | Link: PPGM/UFSCar Youtube channel |
Abstract: We deal with an improvement of a Trudinger–Moser-type inequality associated with embedding a class of weighted Sobolev spaces into Orlicz spaces. Our primary purpose in this talk is to present recent results on the existence and nonexistence of extremal functions for sharp Trudinger-Moser inequality of Adimurthi-Druet type for fractional dimensions on the entire space. Precisely, we extend both the improvement of Lions-type and a sharp Trudinger-Moser type inequality for fractional dimensions for the entire space. In addition, we investigate the existence and nonexistence of extremal functions for such as inequalities. |