CV Lattes
Bolsa: Área: Orientador: Claudia Buttarello Gentile
Data de ingresso: 08/03 - Data de defesa: 16/08/2007
Titulo da tese: Semicontinuidade Superior de Atratores para Semigrupos Multívocos
Publicações que resultaram da tese: SIMSEN, J. ; Gentile, C. B. On Attractors for Multivalued Semigroups Defined by Generalized Semiflows. Set-Valued Analysis. 16, 105-124, 2008.
SIMSEN, J. ; Gentile, C. B. On p-Laplacian differential inclusions - global existence, compactness properties and asymptotic behavior. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 71, 3488-3500, 2009.
Gentile, C. B. ; SIMSEN, J. Well-posed p-laplacian problems with large diffusion. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 71, 4609-4617, 2009.
SIMSEN, J. ; GENTILE, C. B. Systems of p-laplacian differential inclusions with large diffusion. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), 2010.
Local atual de trabalho: Universidade Federal de Itajubá - UNIFEI, MG