
Guillermo Antonio Lobos Villagra

Professor at the Mathematics Departament of Federal University of São Carlos

mailbox Address: Departamento de Matemática
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Rodovia Washington Luís, Km. 235, C.P. 676
13565-905 - São Carlos, SP, Brasil

telephone Phone/Fax: +55 - (16) - 3351-9179 Ext.: 9179
+55 - (16) - 3351-8220

e-mail E-mail:

brownball Research area: Differential Geometry

brownball Main current interest: Pseudo-parallel submanifolds, Lagrangian submanifolds, Lorentzian submanifolds.

brownball Publications:
  1. Pseudo-parallel Lorentzian Surfaces in Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms. Results in Mathematics, v. 78, p. 39, 2023. (With Melara, Mynor; Palmas, Oscar) PDF
  2. The isoperimetric problem in the hyperbolic 3-torus. Matemática Contemporânea, v. 49, p. 53-86, 2022. (With Yucra Hancco, A. J.; Batista, V. R. ) PDF
  3. A classification of pseudo-parallel hypersurfaces of S^nxR and H^nxR. Differential Geometry and its Applications, v. 62, p. 72-82, 2019. (With Tassi, M.) PDF
  4. Pseudo-parallel surfaces of S^n_cxR and H^n_cxR. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, v. 50, p. 705-715, 2018. (With Tassi, M.; Yucra Hancco, A. J.) PDF
  5. On Hamiltonian minimal submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in real space forms. Arch. Math. 106, 285--293, 2016. (With N. Georgiou) PDF
  6. Explicit minimal Scherk saddle towers of arbitrary even genera in ℝ^3. Publ. Mat. 58, 445--468, 2014. (Whit A. J. Yucra Huancco and V. Ramos Batista) PDF
  7. Minimal surfaces with only horizontal symmetries. ISRN Geometry 1-19, 2011. (With M. F. da Silva and V. Ramos Batista) PDF
  8. Pseudo-parallel Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms. Differential Geom. Appl. 27 (2009), 137--145. (With P. M. Chacón) PDF
  9. C-Totally real submanifolds with parallel mean curvature in $\lambda$-Sasakian space forms. Mat. Contemp. 34 (2008), 83–102. (With A. Brasil and M. Mariano) PDF
  10. Pseudo-parallel submanifolds with flat normal bundle in space forms. Glasg. Math. J. 48 (2006), 171--177. (With R. Tojeiro) PDF
  11. Pseudo-parallel real hypersurfaces in complex space forms. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 41, 609--618, 2004. (With M. Ortega). PDF
  12. On Pseudo-parallel Hypersurfaces in Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms. Proceedings of the XI Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, (Oviedo 2002), Publ. R. Soc. Mat. Esp. 6 (2004), 229--234. PDF
  13. Pseudo-parallel surfaces in space forms. Differential Geometry. Proceedings of the international conference held in honour of the 60th birthday of A. M. Naveira, (Valencia 2001). Singapore: World Scientific. (2002), 197--204. PDF
  14. Pseudo-parallel submanifolds of a space form. Adv. Geom. 2 (2002), 57-71. (With A. C. Asperti and F. Mercuri.) PDF
  15. Pseudo-parallel immersions in space forms. Mat. Contemp. 17 (1999), 59-70. (With A. C. Asperti and F. Mercuri) PDF

brownball Preprints:
  • Pseudo-parallel contact normal submanifolds in Kenmotsu manifolds (2009) (With Maxwell Mariano).

brownball In progress:
  • Pseudo-parallel Lorentzian hypersurfaces in Lorentzian space forms.
  • Pseudo-parallel Lorentzian Lagrangian submanifolds in Lorentzian complex space forms.

brownball Other publications:
  • Workshop on Differential Geometry. Papers from the workshop held at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, December 18--20, 2006. Edited by Guillermo Antonio Lobos. Mat. Contemp. 33 (2007). Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, Rio de Janeiro, 2007. 243 pp. PDF

brownball Abstract:
  • Hipersuperficies seudoparalelas em formas espaciales, Actas de Resumenes, Conferencias, Comunicações, Sociedad de Matemática de Chile, V Simpósio Chileno de Matemática, Olmué-Chile,  (1998), 55--56.

brownball Books:
  • Atividades com Cabri Géomètre II para cursos de licenciatura em matemática e professores do ensino fundamental e médio. EDUFSCar (2002), pp. 240. (Whit Y. Y. Baldin). Primeira re-impressão em (2004). Livro selecionado pela Biblioteca Nacional dentro do Programa Livro Aberto, em 2004.


Visiting positions:

Talks in congress:

Guest talks:

brownball Group of research in geometry at DM-UFSCar:

glass Research glass Ensino glass Extensão

Last modified: Mon Feb 27, 2006
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