
Link List

last change:  May/24/2007


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Yahoo search
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Excite search
Open directory project (directory and search)
Lycos search
Info Seek search
Galaxy search
Google search
Web Crawer search
Find the person by name
Link for several sites.Directory style.
Site of several discution group
Site of FAQs
Site of iterative map (all of word)
Link for algorithms patent search sites such as http://www.uspto.gov/ and http://www.freepatents.org/.


GNU home - freewares! See http://www.gnu.org/directory/ for softwares. The mirror list is on http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html
Site that provides service for Open Source Project Group. For category listting, see http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php. The several localized similar project such as http://sourceforge.jp/ (japanese) and http://codigolivre.org.br/ (brazilian).
Large linux apps central site.
Freeware/Open Source.
Freeware sites
Shareware/freeware site. Good repository for win and mac, but the site is in japanese and several one requires japanese windows
Shareware/freeware site
Shareware/freeware site.
Shareware/freeware (It is popular known as http://www.shareware.com)
Shareware main site. For download, see the http://downloads.asp-shareware.com/.
Shareware/freeware for windows.
Freeware/shareware - brazilian mirror is on http://ftp.unicamp.br
Linuxberg is twocows linux.

Partition manager/Boot manager/Emulator

http://gparted.sourceforge.net/, http://www.ranish.com/part/, http://www.tux.org/pub/dos/partition-programs/fips/, http://www.sysresccd.org/,  
gPartEd is advanced HD partition tools (nice GUI on top of GNU parted). The live CD is about 30MB. The KDE front end for parted is in development on http://xmelegance.org/kparted/index.html. The Qt version of GUI to parted on http://qtparted.sourceforge.net/ seems to be died. For older machine, Free Ranish Partition Manager will used for hard disk partition and becames with GUI for DOS. From this site, will download XOSL (Extended OS Loader) that is free pretty graphical multiple OS Loader (GNU). The XOSL need DOS or win9x boot disk to install it and require their own partition (new XOSL site is http://sourceforge.net/projects/xosl/, but seems that the project is stoped).  The Ranish Partition Manager can not correct problem caused by "phisical cilinder differ of logical cilinder". In this case, use fips that is DOS based fat32 partitioner. The Linux rescue CD contain QPartEd for HD partition manage.
http://www.gnu.org/software/grub, and http://sourceforge.net/projects/gag
The GRUB (GRand Unified Bootmanagr) is non-graphical multi-OS loader. Will install using floppy or Linux and it stay on own partition or Linux partition. GRUB can load multiple operation system, hidding/showing desired partition for each DOS/Windows booting. The GRUB installer for DOS/win (on win partition, support Nadd item on ntloader) is on http://sourceforge.net/projects/grub4dos. The GAG is other free easy to use bootmanager with similar functionairy, but with GUI and are installed in MBR (does not require speciall partition to install). To install, write image for floppy and boot with it (and configure test before install on HD). For Win NT user, the bootpart from http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm will be usefull.
http://www.dosemu.org and http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/
DOS emulator for Linux to run DOS apps inside linux. DOS Box  for linux/win emurate DOS inside box (with acess only for preconfigured folders), suitable to run games.
Wine is windows API for Linux to run Windows applications inside linux. The Cross Over Office (http://www.codeweavers.com/) is commertial version of wine. The WineX (http://sourceforge.net/projects/winex) is version with emphasis on Direct X to support more win games. WineX is not Open source licensed, but free version is available.
UML (user mode linux) permit to run linux inside linux to debug.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/colinux/ and http://www.cygwin.com/xfree/
Cooperative Linux is modified linux kernel that run linux binary applications without change on windows platform. The Debian and Gentoo binary will be used. For graphical applications, X-server such as cygwin/X or  xming, is required. Cygwin is implementation of linux API for windows that permit to compile/run source distributed linux applications. The Cygwin platform is easy to download/install due to their setup programs and several pre-compiled applications such as x-server (cygwin/X) is available.
http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/, http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
QEMU is fast free CPU (x86, PowerPC) emulator. The hoster is http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/ that has some other interessant open source project. The several free OS disk image for QEMU are found on http://www.freeoszoo.org/index.php. Bochs is free IA CPU emulator that is more mature than QEMU, but is slower.


http://www.linux.org, http://tldp.org/ and http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/.
Linux official site. The linux main site has linux distro tadabase that is usefull to find your desired distros, inclusing several live CD for specific purpose and minimal distros. Linux doc is Linux documentation project. The linux documentation project contain HOW-TO with several usefull topics. some tips for network administrator will be SAMBA (Sambas provides SMB - Server Messege Block - and permit acess of Windows client on Linux server), NIS (Network Information Service that provide login autentication server for linux network), NFS (Network File System that permit to mount across network), and LVM (Logical Volume Manager that join logically several partition/HD/device as one big partition). linux from Scratch is HOWTO and tools to create your own linux distro.
Smart Package Manager in development is similar to synaptic package manager of Debian based linux (Smart is developed by Gustavo Niemeyer of Conectiva -- now, Mandriva -- that is maintainer of Debian's synaptic). It will manage several RPM, DEB, and Slackware format based repository, inclusing debian, red hat and fedora, mandriva (fusion of mandrake and conectiva), and slackware . See the FAQ page to know if your system repository is supported one. Smart is in beta stage and does not support instalation of DEB file on disk yet. For this, use synaptic.
Debian Linux (suitable for server) is most free and stable Linux distribution from GNU that contain very large number of packages (Debian's package list is most largest one) and run on almost machines. This distribution is suitable for server due to hight stability, but version release cycle is very long (near 1 year or more). Thus, the normal desktop user are recommended to use ubuntu linux based on "testing" repository (if insist in pure Debian, will use directly from "testing") that contain most updated packages. The debian has CD image and DVD image of all packages on repository (suitable for install additional packages on computer without internet). Normally, only 3 firt CD's is suffices to almost package sets.
The Ubuntu Linux perphaps is best choice for desktop. Ubuntu is based on Debian's testing package (updated packages) that easy to install and maintain due to Synaptic (Debian's package manager GUI). Ubuntu CD contain only most used applications, but if has good internet connections, their repository has large number of packages (if need to install offline, download these files, put on CD and use dpkg). See http://ubuntuguide.org/ in way to activate the extra package repository in apt-get (and synaptic) that contain large kind of packages. Original version of Ubuntu use gnome desktop, but for KDE lover, KDE desktop version is on http://www.kubuntu.org/ and for low resource machines, http://www.xubuntu.org/ with XFCE ( commertial CDE like) is nice choice. The very light weight fluxubuntu based on fluxbox version is in development. For older 5.04 versions, several kind of free or proprietary (free but not open source) packages such as java from sun, adobe reader for PDF, etc. explained in this site will be downloaded as CD from http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/  that has some additional tips. The linuxmint is version that include non-free apckages like several multimedia codecs, flash, etc as default (does not need to made addtional install).
Open SUSE is open version of famous SUSE linux for Desktop/server. The 5 CD plus add on CD contain almost packages for all kind of usage for off line install (inclusing MP3 and DVD support) and powerfull GUI Yast made easy setup and install.
Fedora (suitable for desktop) is free sucessor of Red Hat Linux 9 for intel platform. The base CD (5 CD on Fedora Core 5) becomes with several additional applications, but only first 3 CD's are required for almost package sets. For addtional packages, use extras (http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras and http://fedoraproject.org/extras/) and livna (http://rpm.livna.org/) repostory. The Fedora has yum and up2date that are equivalent tools of famous apt-get of Debian (and Debian based linux). up2date has GUI, but yum does not. Recomend to install yumex (yum GUI) or Smart Package manager from http://www.smartpm.org/. The version 3 and 4 seems that have several bugs, hight resource requeriment and unstability, but the version 5 fixed almost of these problems. Red hat Linux lover that need server (that stability, long life and bug free are most important) will use CentOS (http://www.centos.org/) or Scientific Linux (https://www.scientificlinux.org/) rebuilded from Hed Hat Enterprise Linux.
http://www.gentoo.org/ and http://lunar-linux.org/.
Gentoo Linux and Lunar Linux are source based distro. The Gentoo Linux will install pre-compiled version too (the pre-compiled version loss source based distro advantage). The source based distro create machine optimized fast linux nad permit to install recent version on older machines. The negative point of source based distro is long time to install, due to compilation (complete install require some days). Other famous linux distro for advanced user that allows to customize is http://www.slackware.com/, but seems that is not source based.
http://www.mepis.org/ and http://www.mandrivalinux.com/.
MEPS (installable live CD) and Mandriva Linux (fusion of Mandrake and Conectiva) are famous commercial linux distribution such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Suse Linux. Their limited edition are free.
http://www.delilinux.de/http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/http://www.vectorlinux.com/, http://www.puppylinux.org/http://www.watsky.net/http://www.dynebolic.org/.
DeLi Linux is for older machines (486 to pentium) with RAM >= 16. Becomes with good Siag Officeand seems that is best choice for low resource machines (some small distro use open office, but open office will require more memory than their minimal indication). Damn Small Linux is busines card size liveCD that run on older machines (486 or new) and will installed on HD. In this case, run on RAM>= 16MB (run fully - without swap - on 128MB of RAM). Damn Small Linux is subset of Debian linux and will use Debian repo to add more apps. Vector Linux run on RAM>=32MB.  Puppy is nice small Linux liveCD, that will boot from several external devices such as pen Drive, ZIP drive, etc. Puppy allow to startup from RAM drive (for this, require 128MB of free space, because does not use swap: total of RAM >= 200MB) that start applications very first. Without ramdrive, run on 32MB-64MB of RAM. The liveCD BeatrIX Linux becomes with open office and require pentium equivalent with 64MB of  RAM. It will installed on HD. Dyne:bolic is multimedia station liveCD that run on pentum or k5 with 64 RAM. The HD install is very easy. Only copy all files.
knoppix (KDE desktop) are linux that run on CD, usefull to experiment Linux without installing. Is based on Debian. The specialised version of Knoppix such as http://bofh.be/clusterknoppix/ (clustering), Knoppix Math (for Math), musix (music),  japanese version, etc.
http://www.gnome.org/ and http://www.kde.org/ , http://www.xfce.org?
KDE and GNOME develops free hight qaulity linux desktop and applications (see koffice and gnome office). The gnome theme and KDE theme is on http://www.gnome-look.org/ and http://www.kde-look.org respectivelly. XFCE is commertial CDE like light weight desktop. There are Free Desktop Compliants.
Linux/freeBSD ranking and news.

Some free OS

React OS project is to implement free operating system compatible to Windows NT. In progress..
http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedos/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/rxdos/
Free DOS and RxDOS are free DOS operating system. The 32 bit DOS are in development on http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedos-32/. One of best free GUI for DOS are GEM on http://www.owenrudge.net/GEM/ (freeGEM) and http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/ (openGEM). GEM require low resource and when GEM are commercial product, are developed several applications. For modern GUI, the 32 bit system, Seal (http://sealsystem.sourceforge.net/) is good, but require 486 or latter with 8MB of RAM.
Hurd is new GNU operationg system in development (POSIX - linux like). Test version of Debian/Hurb are downloadable from http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/.
Jnode is java operating system to run java application in fast and secure way. In development.
http://www.freebsd.org/ and http://www.openbsd.org/
BSD 4.4 derived UNIX-like system. OpenBSD supports binary emulation of most programs from SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS and HP-UX
The Open BeOS is renamed to Haiku OS  and is trying to reconstruct BeOS (unixes) that run fast on older machines (see http://www.beosonline.de/ and http://www.bebits.com/app/2680)
AtheOS (Another OS) is free (POSIX - linux like) operating system for intel.
Open Solaris base. For open solaris based desktop, will see Nexenta (http://www.gnusolaris.org/) and http://www.belenix.org/.


The OpenMosix is cluster for linux (integrate network connected computers called nodes in way to enable automatic distribute process in parallel way between nodes - thus, network connected computer form one supercomputer). It differ from PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) that parallelize only the applications that use their own libraries. One of library mostly used for developping parallel applications on linux and windows are MPI (Message Passing Interface). The GUI for OpenMosix is http://www.openmosixview.com/.
Linux Virtual Server are server host composed by several servers, but logically is one single server. It provides load balancing (distributing task over several server) and hight avaiability (if one server is bug, other assume their task). For hight availability only, see http://linux-ha.org/.
http://www.postgresql.org/ and http://www.mysql.org/ 
PostGreSQL and MySQL are free SQL database server for Linux. The PostGreeSQL/MySQL client for linux/win32 is also available. The MySQL run on winNT/2000 too.
Apache is most used free web server for Linux and Win. The several realted project such as PHP (http://www.php.net/),  javaserver (http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/tomcat/), etc are linked from here.
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) main site. The link for PGP aplications.
http://dotgnu.org/, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/, http://sourceforge.net/projects/egroupware/, http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotproject/http://www.phpgroupware.org/
PHP GroupWare from dot GNU is free open source complete groupware implemented in PHP.  Tiki is other free open source CMS Group Ware. Other free PHP implementation of groupware is egroupware, dotproject, and PHP groupware.
linux based fire wall for embeeeded PC or older PC.
freeBSD based NAS (network attached storage) server. Run on older PC.
Trixbox (formerly Asterisk@Home) os Home/busines VoIP PBX central based on CentOS.

X-servers for Unix/Windows

X windows main site. Several X related sites are linked from http://www.rahul.net/kenton/xsites.html
http://www.cygwin.com/xfree/http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming, and http://www.jcraft.com/weirdx/
cygwin/X is cygwin version of Xorg (the best free X server) implemented on top of Direct X. The X mig is win32 native compilation using MingW. The KDE porting for cygwin/X and Win native port of GPL'd Qt library is on http://kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net/. If you want simplified small X server for testing purpose, or on system without native X server, will try WeirdX implemented in java.


Very complete free anti-virus listing and description.
http://www.safer-networking.org/ and http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html.
SpyBot is free powerfull spyware removal/protector for Windows. During install, check on the item "use system settings protection (TeaTimer)" on the "Select additional Task", in way to install real time Register protector from dangerous changes. The spybot protect for dangerous sites only in Internet Explorer. The Spyware Blaster (free for personal and educational use) is navegator protection that protect from spyware site, that integrated with Internet Explorer, and Mozilla/Firefox. The classical spyware removal tools ad aware (http://www.lavasoftusa.com/) is free to personal use.
http://www.fs-security.com/, http://isafer.sourceforge.net/ and  http://www.zonelabs.com/.
Firestarter for linux is open source GUI for iptable to easy manage the firewall and internet sharing (masquerade). The guarddog (http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/) is KDE frontend for iptable. iSafer Firewall is open source firewall for win, based on socket package policy. zone alarm personal (for personal use) is firewall for win based on application based policy. For more free firewall for win, see http://www.free-firewall.org/.
http://www.free.grisoft.com/, http://www.free-av.com/ and https://www.avast.com/.
AVG is freeware anti-virus for Linu/win for personal use. The auto update schedule is very usefull. AntiVir is germany maded free anti virus for MS Windows with internet update capable and  free online support. AVAST is anti virus for win and DOS. Free for home user. Need form fill in way to obtain free key.
Antidotes for PC viruses Super Lite if free virus detector for win - Detection only!
http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/home.jsp, and http://www.sygate.com/, http://www.agnitum.com/.
The Zone Alarm, Sygate, and Outpost offer free version of windows firewall for personal use. For really free firewall for win, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/wipfw/. wipfw is based on free BSD ipfw.
Linux and windows security tips, password recover, etc (one linux security related diagram is on http://www.cgsecurity.org/linux.html).
Clamav is best open source virus scanner for unix/linux. the win GUI for Clam AV is on http://www.clamwin.net/. Other free antivirus project is http://sourceforge.net/projects/openantivirus/.
Panda anti virus offfer free console mode anti virus for linux server that is able to scan linux server and dos/windows workstations. The http://www.bitdefender.com/index.php offer free console mode anti virus for linux too, but it expire in 1 year.


This powerfull cross platform web navegator/mailer/composer is freeware (open source) based on NetScape source code. See http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/ for plugins.
Tera Term Pro is free Telnet for win. The SSH extension is available
http://ww.freessh.org and http://www.openssh.com/
Free ssh and spc that substitute telnet and ftp.
Star downloader offer is good free version of their download manager for win. Support Internet Explorer, NetScape, Mozilla and Opera.
Flash Get is shareware download manager for win. Offer ad-ware trial version.
Download Acelerator Plus is adware download manager for win.
http://www.gnu.org/directory/network/Tools/ProZilla.html and http://www.gnu.org/directory/proSilla.html
Prozilla is download manager for linux that support multiple connection, pause/resume, etc. ProSilla is similar to Prozilla, but is for scp (SSH connection).
Jabber is GPL'd multi-platform chat client/server project. The server support interoperability with ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger(SM), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger.
http://www.pidgin.im/ (formelly http://gaim.sourceforge.net/)
PidGim (formelly gaim) is free instant messenger for Linux/win that support several protocols inclusing AIM, ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, Jabber, IRC, Napster, Gadu-Gadu and Zephyr. The open source voice/video protocol is in developement in http://farsight.sourceforge.net/. For mathematical formula on chat, has http://sourceforge.net/projects/pidgin-latex/ plugin for pidgin
File Zilla is free windows client for FTP using FTP and SSH protocol. Becames with nice GUI.
http://www.miranda-im.org/, http://www.ceruleanstudios.com
Miranda Instant Messenger is nice free cross platform IM that support ICQ, AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen, Netsend , etc. Trillion is free windows chat client that will connect to ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger(SM), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and IRC. Several other chat client/service is listed in http://netconference.about.com/cs/imsoftware/. For MSN (hotmail) messanger only, the http://sourceforge.net/projects/amsn/ (cross platform) is nice.

Usefull Softwares

Cross platform free editor (Abi word) that support MS word (doc) document.
Free, cross plataform, internationalized Office Suite suponsored by SUN. This is based in Star office (http://www.sun.com/products/staroffice/) source code. For older version 1.1.5 for low resources systems, see http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.5/index.html. For more dictionary, see the http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/. If apropriate one does not exist, use the wordlists that will be produced by ispell. The interface to convert Open Writer document to LaTeX document is in development in http://www.hj-gym.dk/~hj/writer2latex/ (support formula).  To insert LaTeX formula into Open Office document (like shareware TeX Point for M$ Office), see http://ooolatex.sourceforge.net/. To convert Open Calc spreadsheet to LaTeX (like freeware excell2latex for M$ Excell), see http://calc2latex.sourceforge.net/. M$ Office XP/2003/2007 plugins for ODF (open office documents) is on http://sourceforge.net/projects/odf-converter
Siag office is complete office suite for unix/linux/Mac OSX. It based on X-windows and run smooth on low resource machine.
Scribus is good free Publisher for Linux.
http://jedit.sourceforge.net/ and http://jext.sourceforge.net/
jedit and jext are GPL programmer editor written in java.
Giant java project is open source project in java
http://www.7-zip.org/ and http://upx.sourceforge.net/
7-zip is command line multi format archiever (7z, zip, tgz, etc) for linux/win. Became with GUI for Win. The UPX is executable compression utility for win/linux.
multi format viewer and tools (html, pdf, man page, and dvi). It includes PDF management tools equivalent to psutils (psselect, psnup, etc for Postscript that are included in most TeX system).

Usefull softwares (DOS/Win only)

http://www.theopencd.org/ and http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/
The open CD is CD image of best GPL'd soft for windows. See their link for other GPL'd softer that asre not included in CD image yet. The GNUWin is other collection of GPL'd softer for Win, that include more specific applications such as compiler (MingW) and TeX (MikTeX).
http://www.7-zip.org/, http://www.iceows.com/HomePageUS.html and http://upx.sourceforge.net/
7-zip is hight compressin method. the program with GUI (windows) supports other formats tool, such as zip, cab, rar, etc and integrate with explorer. For Linux/unix, see http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/. The  ICEOWS are good free compression/decompression utility that can manipulate zip file as folder. For ZIP file only, ZIPCentral will be usefull. The UPX is executable compression utility for win/linux. For free drag/drop based decompression utility, see the Lhasa (win). If you want more free compression/decompression utility and DLL for Win, see the Common Archievers Library. Two of English freeware for windows that use these DLL are GUI based LHMelt and drag/drop based Noah that support very large type of  formats).
Free text to speech (text reader) for win.
JRregrun will show/edit/delete the program that start in boot time.
The PDF Creator is GhostScript based free PDF writer for windows. some other free, but not open source PDF writer are primo PDF writer and cute PDF writer.
Ergane is free multilanguage translator for win.


some applications such as animation modeler are on graphics and Math/Science/engeeene.
main page for MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group). Several related material and softers links are on these sites, inclusing MP3 resources.
http://kino.schirmacher.de/, http://windv.mourek.cz/
Kino/DVGrab (for linux) will read/write to DV cancorder, using IEEE 1394 port. It will edit movies and convert to/from other formats. The coriander http://sourceforge.net/projects/coriander/ is linux GUI for IEEE1394 port with IIDC compliant camera. The http://sourceforge.net/projects/ieee1394diag/ provides GUI for IEEE1394 network on linux (it is capable to read/write to DV camcorder?). WinDV  (windows - free) will read/write to camcorder using IEEE 1394 port. For movie editiong and format converter to use with it, sugested the http://www.virtualdub.org/. For japanese user, the http://www.area61.net/ will used for read, write, convert, and compose DV (Digital Video) using IEEE 1394 port. To record DVD in Linux, will use java GUI named Varsha that generate DVD using graphical interface on command tools such as DVDAuthor, mkisofs (part of Linux), DVD+rw-tools, and DVD-slideshow.
Cross platform audio/video server/player for network/local files. The Player support DVD movies.
http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/, http://www.virtualdub.org/
 AVU demux (lin/win) is free (GPL) movie editor for linux/win. It will automatically join splited clips. To save joined movie as mpg2, need to save video and audio as separate files. Use  transcode (http://www.transcoding.org. The GUI gtranscode for linux is on http://freshmeat.net/projects/gtranscode/, but not updated since 2003) and GUI based bbMPEG (http://members.cox.net/beyeler/bbmpeg.html and http://www.videohelp.com/bbmpegedit.htm) or command line mplex (http://www.dvd2dvd.org/) on win to multiplex video and audio as one mpeg 2 file.  Virtual dub (windows) will edit movies and convert to several formats. It able to capture movie using video capture card. The VirtualDubMod is modified version on virtualDub that has incremented features.
MPEG to other format converter for win.
Cross platform DVD authoring system.
DivX/Xdiv MPEG4 bitrate and resolution calculator, ripper and encoder.
Audacy is sound editor for linux and win. For Mac, required Mac OSX.
CDex is audio CD ripper and audio file format converter for Win. It can record from PC analog line and play audio files too. Other free, but not open sourced CD ripper for win is http://www.mgshareware.com/frmmain.shtml.
xiph.org develop open format and libraries for multimedia. For audio, are developing three open formats and libraries: the ogg vorbis, similar to MP3, but has better compression ratio and quality than MP3; the FLAC that is lossless format with good compression rate; and speex for speech audio. For movies, the open format VP3 (cortesian of On2) are implemented as Theora.  
http://www.lilypond.org/ and http://rnvs.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/%7Ejan/noteedit/noteedit.html 
Llypond (linux) and Note edit (linux) are free music partiture editor, capable to export as musitex. Other interest music editor for linux is http://sourceforge.net/projects/rosegarden/. For abc notation tools, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/abc/. For windows, perphapshttp://www.canzona.com/music/musette/ will be usefull (this one does not export to musitex).
Cine Paint is profissional quality free painting program used for motion picture studio to retouch films. Is used for several famous films such as Harry Potter, Scooby-Doo, and the Fast & the Furious.
Xvid is open source DivX (MPEG 4) coodec. DivX is hight quality MPEG-4 based movies.


some applications such as CAD are on Math/Science/Engeene and Multimedia.
http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/, http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/, http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/, http://www.jpeg.org/
main page for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics - W3C), PNG (Portable Network Graphics - W3C),  MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics - W3C), and JPEG group. some jpeg library (not jpeg2000) will downloaded from http://www.ijp.org too. For jpeg2000 information and libraries, see jpeg main site. Several related material and softers links are on these sites.
http://www.gimp.org/ and http://cinepaint.sourceforge.net/
Gimp: GNU graphics program for linux/windows. The Gimp/gtk for windows is avaiable on http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/. CinePaint (filmgimp) is professional quality GPL'd film editor for linux, win32 and mac OSX, that are used for famous films as Scooby Doo, Herry Potter, and Stuart Little.
http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape/.
DIA: Diagram editor for linux/win (free GNU GPL). The win32 version are avaiable on http://dia-installer.sourceforge.net/. SodiPodi and InkScape are free vector based editor for SVG format (import/export PNG BitMap image, and will create Postscript file using dialog "file-print direct") for linux and win. InkScape is very nice SVG editor that export eps and pdf directly (seems that based on sodipodi that aparently descontuedand). For CAD system or Math/Science/Engeene specific graphics, see Math/Science/Engeene section.
Ioen clip Art Library is free clip art collections in SVG format.
http://www.fractint.org/ and http://xaos.theory.org/
FractInt is classical free fractal rendeler for DOS/Win/Linux. For win, recomended to use DOS version that is most updated. XAOS is enhaced Mandelbrot family fractal rendeler for Win/Linux.
http://www.xfig.org/ and http://w3.mecanica.upm.es/metapost/
xfig is free vector based diagram editor for Linux - export eps. The java version of xfig is shareware with unlimited test period and is on http://tams-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/applets/jfig/. MetaGraph is free graphics editor in Java for Linux/win that save in Meta Post graphics language (meta post is supported as LaTex tools). Using Meta Post, will generate post script files. See http://vectorgraphics.sourceforge.net/editors.php to several vector based free graphics editor.
http://www.skencil.org/, http://www.vectaport.com/ivtools/, and http://bourbon.usc.edu/tgif/
Skencil (Sketch) is powerfull vector drawing program for Linux/windows that support text on the path (fit text to curvecurve) and import/export AI (adobe illustrator) and SVG file format. It will import other format such as fig (xfig) and export other format such as EPS and PDF. The Windows version of Skencil is on http://www.nongnu.org/skencil/devel.html. The idraw and tgif are other vector baseed graphics drawing program for Linux.
Pov Ray is free multi-plataform ray tracer. For freeware/shareware graphical 3D modeler (for PovRay or not), see the graphic links. The free 3D CAD for win/Linux http://leocad.org/ listed on Math/Science/Engeene section will export to POV RAY.
http://www.blender3d.com/ and http://moonlight3d.net/
Blender is hight quality 3D modeler/animator/rendeler for linux and win. Moonlight is 3D modeler/rendeler for linux.
http://www.xnview.com and http://www.irfanview.com/
xnView is cross platform free (for non-comercial use) image viewer/browser/converter. Irfan View is free (for non-comercial use) image viewer like xnview (for win only).
http://sourceforge.net/projects/autotrace/, http://potrace.sourceforge.net/
Autotrace is GPL raster to vector image converter for Linux/Win (several links for graphics related are on this site) with GUI available. For platform that frontline (classic GUI)  does not work, use Delineate implemented in Java. Note that autotrace will cause problem if image contain much colors. Thus recomend the use of color reduction option to reduce as 256 color, or less that it. The potrace is for black/white image, but offer hight quality smoothing features.
http://www.imagemagick.org/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/netpbm/
Imagemagick and NetPBM are cross paltform command line graphics manipulation tools and library. The Windows version of ImageMagick is native and are on above site. The pre-bulded NetPMB are on http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/. If want to compile NetPBM from source, it requires several libraries: tiff library from http://www.libtiff.org, jpg library from ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg or http://www.ijg.org, png library from ftp://ftp.au.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles, and zlib from http://www.zlib.net/ or ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/libs. If have dificult, see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/ that link to official png and zlib home page.


some applications such as drawing tools are on graphics and multimedia.
http://www.che.wisc.edu/octave/, http://www.scilab.org/, http://freemat.sourceforge.net/, and http://www.gnuplot.org
GNU Octave (GPL) and SciLab are free numerical programable systems that use MatLab like language. The GNU Octave works on Linux and Win32 (cygwin) The GNU Octave for Windows and MatLink package for octave and MatLab/SimuLink are downloadable from http://sourceforge.net/projects/matlinks. The recomended GUI for octave is QtOctave. The GUI component for octave is developed in http://octave-gtk.sourceforge.net/. The advanced plot component is on http://octplot.sourceforge.net/ handle graphics for octave. Non-core part of octave are developed mainly on http://octave.sourceforge.net/. The SciLab has integrated GUI and works on Linux, Solaris and Win32. The SciMath is has MathLab/SimuLink equivalent package called Scicos.  Freemat is other cross platform Matlab clone with GUI. For alternative GUI for GNU Octave and SciLab, will try TeXmacs listed on TeX/Ghost Script section. Gnuplot (gnu is coincidence. Not is GNU project) is free cross platform scientific ploting utility to plot 2D, 3D function and data.
http://maxima.sourceforge.net/, http://yacas.sourceforge.net/, http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/english.html 
Maxima (open source version of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macsyma), Yacas, and Giac are GNU GPL licensed computer algebra system for linux/win32 that seems almost complete. The gTybalt http://wwwthep.physik.uni-mainz.de/~stefanw/gtybalt.html is other GPL'd symbolic system for linux that will interpret C++ Script. The Axiom (http://www.nongnu.org/axiom/) and Risa/Asir (http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Asir/ or http://www.asir.org/) are other good free computer algebra system. Other several free/non-free symbolic computational system is linked by http://www.symbolicnet.org/toc.html and http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Math/Algebra/Software/. The best choice as graphical front/end for several symbolic computation system as above is TexMacs listed in TeX/Ghost Script section that are for Linux (the win version is in development, but does not work as front/end yet). For maxima only GUI, the wXmaxima (http://wxmaxima.sourceforge.net/) that allow acess of functions using menusus usefull. The NetMath (see http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/wfs/ for examples) is prompt based front/end for linux/win that connect to four free Math Systems across network: Maxima (symbolic computation), GNU Octave (numeric computation),  GAP (group theoretic computation), Pari (number theory computation), and GB (Groebner bases calculus). The cross platform MuPad (Waterloo Maple like sintax) are free available for personal/educational use. For multiprecision cientific calculator like, see GNU-calc.
http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/ and http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/.
Macaulay and Singular are algebraic geometry and commutative algebra system. Both will be used with EMACS, but the Macaulay will be used with TeXMacs on Ghost/TeX section. Other algebraic geometry tools is CoCoa.
http://www.gap-system.org/, http://www.parigp-home.de/, and http://www-calfor.lip6.fr/%7Ejcf/.
GAP is programable system for discrete computational groups. The Pari and GB are number teory and Groebner base calculus tools.
http://cran.r-project.org/ and http://www.research.att.com/areas/stat/xgobi/.
R is S or S-plus like language for statical calculus and graphics. R is cross platform and one of GUI will be TeXMacs on Ghost/TeX section, but for R own GUI on windows, the http://www.sciviews.org/ are usefull. The  XGobi/Gvis is multidimensional data analisis tools for Linux that support multidimensional visualization. Is free, but is not open source.
LeoCAD is free 3D CAD system for Win/Linux that will export to 3D Studio and POV Ray (http://www.povray.org/ on graphics section). For general graphics tools, see Graphics section.
http://www.geogebra.org/ Geogebra, http://www.mit.edu/%7Eibaran/kseg.html and http://sourceforge.net/projects/zirkel/.
GeoGebra is for dinamic geometry implemented in java (seems that is based on zirkel), with several advanced features such as direct editing of parameter and use of function. Will export to eps or web as in zirkel. Kseg is free Dinamic geometry program like Cabri Geometre for Linux/win. Zirkel (C.a.R.) is GPL'd dinamic geometry like Cabri Geometre, implemented in Java. Several other Math related programs like this are listed on http://dmoz.org/Science/Math/ (includes open problems, journals, etc). For older win32 native version, see http://mathsrv.ku-eichstaett.de/MGF/homes/grothmann/car.html. For general graphics tools, see the Graphics section.
Planetarium that will simulate place view outside earth.
Kassimile is Mountain viewer for geographic data. for maps, see http://www.iscgm.org/cgi-bin/fswiki/wiki.cgi on database section. For general graphics tools, see the Graphics section.
gEDA is GPL'd Eletronic Design Automation tools for Linux that run on Windows too. For general graphics tools, see the Graphics section.

Tex/Ghost Script

Ghost Script is an popular Post Script interpreter to manage PS/PDF document (such as preview/convert/print), PStoEdit is PS to vector format graphics converter, and GSView is graphical front end for Ghost Script/PStoEdit (all of this are cross platform). Redmon is printer redirection utility for win (the printer redirection instruction for linux is described here) in way to create PDF writer ou emulated Post Script Printer. For GhostScript based free, PDF writer for windows, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/. The PStoEdit main site is http://www.pstoedit.net (not the Ghost site). The Ghost site and http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/5682/postscript.html has several usefull PS related links.
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and http://www.foxitsoftware.com/.
Acrobat Reader is free PDF viewer/navegator for win and Linux. If want to download for platform diferent that you are using currently, look at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_allversions.html.The asian fonts will downloadable from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html. FoxIt PDF reader for linux/windows is free light PDF reader that run directly without install. Support asian PDF (does not support vertical writing) by additional plugin. suitable for low resource machines.
http://www.ctan.org/ (or http://ctan.tug.org/) and http://www.tug.org/
CTAN - Comprehensive TeX Archive Network - this is one of EUA site. To get information or download of system/package/materials related to (La)Tex, visit this site. The famous TexLive CD image are downloadable from CTAN, systems/texlive directly. TUG is Tex user group. An japanese mirror of CTAN is ftp://ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/tex/CTAN/
Documentation and lesson of LaTeX
 http://www.tug.org/tetex/ and http://www.langbein.org/software/ntex/
teTex (most common) and NTex are free Tex/LaTex implementation of web2c for unix/linux compatible system.
http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ and http://www.xemacs.org
Emacs is free international text editor. Emacs has Tex/LaTeX mode editing, but the AUC Tex macro on http://sunsite.dk/auctex/ and YaTex macro on http://www.yatex.org/offer more powerfull Tex/LaTex editing mode. The windows version of emacs is available on http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows.
multi format viewer and tools (html, pdf, man page, and dvi). It includes PDF management tools equivalent to psutils (psselect, psnup, etc for Postscript that are included in most TeX system).
idvi is DVI viewing java applet.
http://kile.sourceforge.net/, http://ktexshell.sourceforge.net/
Kile is free GPL LaTeX shell-editor, and GNU plot front-end for KDE (linux) that integrate with kdvi using source specials. It offer math symbol insertion, document template, TeX related tools calling, etc. KTeXShell is more simplest shell for KDE. For Windows, see TeX/LaTeX (DOS/Windows only) section.
cross platform LaTeX IDE for linux/Mac OSX/Win32 as GPL licensed. The kile is based on this IDE.
EWB - free Tex based Editor's Work Bench -  TeX based publishing env.for Linux
The link and examples for four most famous cross platform free Tex/LaTex to HTML converter is available from here (is site of free windows front end for these converters): http://saftsack.fs.uni-bayreuth.de/~latex2ht/http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/, http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/index.html, http://hevea.inria.fr/. latex2html and tex4ht are most popular.
Lyx  is freeware-quasi-GPL - good WYSIWYG editor for Linux/win32. Import/export LaTeX. Lyx to HTML converter is availabre. Chinese, Japanse, and Korean is now supported.
GNU TexMacs is GPL'd scientific WYSIWYG editor for Linux (Windows version in development, but does not work as front/end for computer algebra system yet. As editor is OK). Converter to LaTeX exist and to HTML is in development. It will integrate with several free/non-free computer algebra system. The free ones are: Maxima (symbolic calculus), Yacas (symbolic calculus), Pari (number theory computation), Giac (symbolic calculus), gTybalt (symbolic calculus), Axiom (symbolic calculus - general purpose), Macaulay (algebraic geometry and commutative algebra like Singular), Octave (MatLab like language for numerical computations and graphics), R (S or S-plus like language for statical calculus and graphics. For R own GUI, see http://www.sciviews.org/ too), and Qcl (language for quantum computers). For more on Math/Science tools, see the Math/Science/Engeene section.
edoc is free word processor with LaTeX integration, but if not support mathematical formula. It are in perl/tk and works on Win /Linux.
ispell is free spell checker supported by severar text editor for linux and some windows aplications such as TexShell for windows. For win32 native version, see the http://www.fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp/~kakuto/win32-ptex/.
Overview of presentation typesetting for LaTeX and web
Overview of Tex/LaTeX related materials such as implementation for several platforms, documents, packages, converters, projects, etc.For public domain implementation of Tex/LaTeX,  see the http://www.ams.org/tex/public-domain-tex.html linked by http://www.ams.org/tex/.
http://jabref.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.cs.ru.nl/%7Epauldv/bibtexgui.php
Cross platform and open source Bib TeX databese (file bib) manager implemented in java.

Tex/LaTeX (DOS/Win only)

win32TeX (ptex) is well maintained implementation for LaTex based in web2c with compatible for unix teTex basic tools and system tree structure. It is most common for japanese windows user, but it run on all windows platform (it support japanese on non japanese windows). The GhostScript Japanese Kit for win (japanese windows is not required for this) and win32 native port of ispell are available here. pTex is developed by ASCII and version for win/linux is available from http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/ptex/base/.
DVI Out are ennhaced DVI viewer, supporting web link and several printing options. This viewer support japanese DVI on english windows. Latest version is downloadable from ftp://akagi.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/TeX/dviout/test/. In way to configure for MikTek, see the http://akagi.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dviout-MikTeX.html.
Mik TeX (TeX for windows). Free and well supported. Is not web2c, but the system tree structure is compatible with unix teTex and present almost comlete unix package set. The MikTeX has graphical package manager and update manager. I think that most recomended TeX sistem for windows.
FpTeX is windows implementation of web2c that has complete tools and package of teTex, and the system tree structure is compatible.
EMTex is DOS/win3.xx implementation of LaTeX. Last change is 1998. See http://www.wfu.edu/Academic-departments/Economics/ftp/getit.htm for instalation detail and GUI.
TexCenter is good GPL'd LaTeX Shell-Editor for win (seem that most powerfull one). For more dictionary, see the http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/. If apropriate one does not exist, use the wordlists that will be produced by ispell. I think that is most recomended freeware editor for win. For linux one, see the Kile. This editor does not support asina text yet.
cross platform LaTeX IDE for linux/Mac OSX/Win32 as GPL licensed. The kile is based on this IDE. This editor can edi several encoodings such as japanese on any version of windows.
http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html and http://www.xemacs.org
NTEmacs and XEmacs are windows port of GNU Emacs and XEmacs (free international text editor, developed for inix/linux). Use AUC Tex macro on http://sunsite.dk/auctex/and YaTex macro on http://www.yatex.org/ help Tex source editing. In way to use Emacs to edit japanaese text on Englhish windows, see japanese section.
http://www.winshell.de, http://www.projectory.de/texshell/index.html
WinShell and TexShell are free TeX/LaTeX shell-editor. WinShell has ispell calling menu and TeXShell has GUI interface for ispell. The TeXShell is GPL, but log file parser does not implemented yet. Winshell will edit japanese text on asian windows or on win2000.
Link for several freeware/shareware TeX/LaTeX Shell/editor for win.
Tex Organizer and LaTeX Mac are Configurable Shell and LaTeX macro insertor GUI.- freeware for win32.
The windows front end for four most famous cross platform free LaTeX to HTML converter is available from here: http://saftsack.fs.uni-bayreuth.de/~latex2ht/ , http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html,http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/,http://www.arch.ohio-state.edu/crp/faculty/pviton/support/hevea.html
BibEdit is free bib file (BibTex file) management tools for win
good TeX/LaTeX Shell-editor for windows - 30 day trial shareware. Link for several TeX related sites. It use word list as a dictionaries (the word list will be produced esasilly by ispell).


http://www.objectcentral.com/ and  http://www.wxwindows.org/
V GUI/VIDE is free GUI library/IDE for win and intel Linux. For C/C++, Java, Tex, HTML developping. The objectcentral has link for recent gcc package and several IDE for windows, and downloaded files include the best help archieve for C++ in HTML format, such as famous C++ Anotations. WxWindows is other free cross platform (linux/windows/mac) GUI library for C++. For RAD, will use wxdesigner that support C/C++, python, C# etc. 
GRASP is free IDE for win and Unix for C/C++, Java, and Ada. Now java implementation of GRASP is available.
JFE is free and nice programmer editor with C/C++ symtax lighting for windows.
GNU pascal. For IDE, recomend dev-pascal. For more IDE, see RHIDE and PENG.
Free Pascal compiler for win and linux. For IDE for win, see dev-pascal. The cross platform DELPHI clone IDE/Library (with application windows graphical designer) is on http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/)
pasdoc is GNU GPL pascal documentation generator utility (similar to doxygen for C/C++) for win and linux.
http://sal.kachinatech.com/F/2/index.shtml. Link for several free and comercial IDE for programmings.
Link for development tools from kernek Panic Linux User Group
VTK is free C++ - perl, java support - visualization Tools Kit for Unix/linux, win and MacOSX. Several 3D modeling and visualization algoritms are implemented. Open Scene Graph is free library over Open GL that implements sofisticated 3D engeene and run over almost platform. Other project similar to Open Scene Graph is Open Inventor, but it run only on IRIX, linux i386, Apple Darwin, and win32 (the win32 is on http://www.studierstube.org/openinventor/).
Dr. Dobs Jornal homepage. The several source code published in this jornal is downloadable. Several C/C++ and java programming related links is available.
Famous GUI tools kit library for GIMP for posix unix/linux/windos and MacOSX. Binding exists for almost languages. GNU Open Source. The GLADE is an graphical interface generator that generate C code to link with GTK, but it export other language code such as C++, ada, python, perl, etc using additional plugins. For gtk+ and glade  for windows, see http://wingtk.sourceforge.net/.
good GUI library and tools link. It contain several usefull cross platform programming related links.
Free tcl/tk script for several platforms
Free perl script for several platforms
guile is an GNU interpreter library for scheme script language http://www.scheme.org/
ruby is free object oriented script language
swig is tools to connect C/C++ and several script language such as tcl/tk, perl, python, guile, ruby.
ftp://parcftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/ilu.html and http://www.omg.org/.
ILU is multi-language, multi plataform object interface module. OMG (Object management group) has document on CORBA.
http://sources.redhat.com/gsl/, http://www.math.fsu.edu/Virtual/ and http://www.netlib.org
GSL is GNU Scientific Library in C/C++ with several language bindings. Main site of this is  http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/. Virtual library includes free library/document resource such as "mathemathics->specialized fields" section that points to good random number generator on http://random.mat.sbg.ac.at/ and "mathematics-software" that points to several mathematical softwares. For GPL'd FFT (Fast Fourier Transforms) library, see GSL or http://www.fftw.org/.
HTML Help viewer and builder (convert from HTML) for windows (free).
Borland offer several free programming tools such as command line version of Borland C/C++ compiler 5.5, Borland debuger 5.5, Kylix (Delph for linux) open edition, JBuilder (java) personal edition, C++BuilderX (C++ for linux/win/solaris) personal edition, etc.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) home page. Several web related standard, including graphics and document formats. Several related soft/library are linked from here.
GNU HIG (Human Interface Guideline) explain rule of good interface on GNOME desktop. this rule is usefull not only for GNOME integrated one, but for all GUI applications development.

C/C++ & Java & C# only

http://dotgnu.org/ and http://www.go-mono.com
dot GNU is implementing Portable.NET (free replacement of Microsoft .NET technology), PHP GroupWare (free groupware in PHP) and DGEE (web service execution environment for Portable.NET). The mono is other project that are implementing free .NET technology, with MIT license. The GTK interface and Qt interface for Portable.NET and mono are Gtk# and Qyoto. The free version of Microsoft .NET are command tools version and generate virtual machine code only and works with free IDE #develop. The complete C# builder personal edition for windows are downloadable from http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/. For tutorials, additional site such aswww.csharphelp.com/, http://www.thefreecountry.com/. For C++, C# , java and D comparison table, see http://www.digitalmars.com/d/comparison.html.
http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/cplusplus/ and http://www.mindview.net/Books
C++ anotations is good C++ tutorial. The online version and downloadable version (in several formats) are available. The eletronic version of Bruce Eckel's Java and C++ programming books are free downloadable too. For Numerical/scientific routines in C/C++, use GPL'd scientific library for C/C++, see GSL. For more libraries, see link on programming section.
Wide Studio is cross platform free GUI component/IDE that support unicode (unicode support is best to develop multilingual aplications) and has GUI constructor assistant. Visit the site of Wide Studio for screenshot/documentation/tutorial.
Link for free C/C++ tools for windows
http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/zip-picker.html and http://www.rhide.com/
For download DJGG (C/C++ compiler for DOS) and  RHIDE. RHIDE is IDE for gcc (C/C++, Pascal, FORTRAN) and is available for DOS and Linux.
http://cygwin.com/ and http://www.mingw.org/
cygwin is unix tools (gcc and others ported to win using some unix emulating. Hosted by redhat on http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/). MingW is native win implementation of gcc and related tools. One of most famous free IDE for this compilers is dev C++ from http://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp/, now available for linux gcc too.
gcc for windows and links for IDE
http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/ and http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/.
free Borland C++ 5.5 command line tools and Visual C++ command line tools are free command line compiler from their commertial IDE.
http://www.gtk.org, http://www.fltk.org/ , http://www.wxwidgets.org/, and http://www.fox-toolkit.org/
Famous GTK library (unix/linux/win. Mac OSX in progress) has good C++ binding named GTKmm. and the GLADE will generate code for gtkmm using plugin. The Open GL extension GtkGLExt includes C++ version named GtkGLExtmm. FLTK is portable C++ GUI layer for x11 and win32 (with native dependent look). WxWidgets is cross platform GUI and service/network library. Nice IDE for RAD with GUI designr is on http://wxworkshop.sourceforge.net/. The Dev-C++ user on win32, will use http://wxdsgn.sourceforge.net/. Fox is other portable C++ GUI library for Unix/linux/windows (with native independent look). Both are GNU  LGPL (open source) and Open GL binding exists. The FLTK has bindings for Open GL and VTK, and several additional widget such as virtual widget (http://flvw.sourceforge.net/),  utf-8 version, File choser, etc (http://www.osc.edu/~jbryan/FLU/), Tables (http://www.seriss.com/people/erco/Fl_Table/), Database (http://sptk.tts-sf.com/) and more. See link section of FLTK site. Note that the famous Qt library is GPL or comertial (not is a LGPL) and will not used to build comertial applications without payment.
http://www.opengl.org, http://www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/glut/index.html, http://www.mesa3d.org/
Open GL is 3D renderling engeene and several systems includes their emulators. freeGLUT is open source implementation of GLUT This and other openGL based GUI libs is on http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/windowtoolkits/. Mesa is famous Open GL emurator and includes GLUT on their distribution. MESA is used by almost linux and it run over several platform inclusing Mac, Windows, OS/2, MS-DOS. One of best C++ binding for GLUT is GLOW. Other C++ binding is GLUI. For C++ binding of Open GL rendeling engeene, see the GLT/GLUTMaster (It contain GLUTMaster that encapsulate GLUT too, but it is not complete yet). Other GUI/GL binding in C++ is NGL/NUI (linux,win,mac OSX, freeBSD). For sofisticated 3D engeening library over Open GL, see the Open Scine Graph (build on windows, OSX, linux, IRIX, Solaris and free BSD). For game programming, see Crystal Space (3D game kit that run on unix/linux, windows and Mac OSX), PLIB (very portable game library set) and OGRE (win/linux/mac OSX. For win, require visual C++). For game/multimedia library, see SDL - Simple Directmedia Library (win/linux/Mac,BeOS) that includes 3D graphics using Open GL. The wgui is C++ GUI library on top of SDL.
http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/english.html and http://www.ginac.de/
Giac and GiNaC are computer algebra system library for C++ and program (linux/win) for symbolic, derivation, integration, etc
http://www.kdevelop.org/, http://www.trolltech.com/.
C/C++ IDE for KDE desktop on Linux. Qt is famous cross platform GUI library that is base of KDE. The linux/Mac version will be used with GPL license (not LGPL) and Qt3 Windows native port of GPL version is in progess. The Qwt (http://qwt.sourceforge.net/) is Qt widget for technicall applications. Qt4 is GPL for windows too.
Free C/C++ interpreter that cover 95% of ANSI C and 85% of ANSI C++.
GNU Open source C/C++ document generator.
STL (Standard Template Library) for C++.
This free C++ library for surface implements the NURBS (non uniform rational bezier splines).
Java official site- download latest Java SDK and extensions
NetBeans is cross platform open source IDE (like DELPHI) for java.
http://www.eclipse.org/ and http://www.eclipse.org/vep/
Eclipse is cross platform universal programming tools and platform. The IDE support java, C/C++, and some other languages. Due to their plug in architecture, other programming languages will added easy. Visual Editor is GUI builder for Eclipse. Actually, Visual Editor support java and C/C++.
Interpreter for script language based in java - implementation in java
Official free java script library implemented in C and Java
links for Java Script Tutorial
Tutorial for Java


Free cross platform Flight simulator.
city simulator
http://www.pcsx.net/ and http://www.pcsx2.net/.
Emulator of Sony PS one (PSX) and PS 2 game station for linux/win. PS one is almost complete and PS 2 is in development.
Game console emulator news/blog site.

Virtual Library

Project Gutemberg - eletronic library of the universal literature. several mirrors as http://www.thalasson.com/gtn/.
Bibliotheca universalis - G-7 country eletronic library unification project.
Perseus Project - eletronic library of classical greck and roman culture
American Congress Library
The Bibliothèque nationale de France
Public's library
Christian classic library.
Internet christian library
Historical text archieves maintained by don Madry http://mabry.argentinacity.com/family/mabry.html
Humanities text initiative from University of nishigan
Eletronical text center of virginia university
Markx/Engels library
The online Medieval and classical library in latin
Cybertown Reference Library
Athenas - eletronical book search.
Historical archieves
The English Server at Carnegie Mellon University
Link for several online library
MathSciNet is mathematical article search engine
Society for human sexuality - sex related explanation.


Maps: japan
Free Maps. All of world
International community for global mapping - several free maps
Kassimile is Mountain viewer for geographic data.
Web Museum: famous painting collection. Miored in several places like http://www.puc-rio.br/wm/
ukiyo-e is the classical japanese painting
ukiyo-e (japanese painting)
Link for clipart
World Wide Web Consortium. several web related standard specification.
Free online enciclopedia project.


International Origami society
British Origami Society
Japanese origami Association
Origami Tanken-dan from Japanese Origami Academic society
Origami Kurabu (japanese origami clube). Best origami model with animation.
Basic information of Origami on wikipedia.org
General information and usefull links, inclusing history, diagrams, mathematics, etc.
Origami Models.
Origami Model Database
Origami diagram database
Several original origami, classified in difficult level.
Some small interest Gallery and link for several origami model. the japanese page on http://www.pro.or.jp/~fuji/origami/
Small collection of simpler original diagrams.
Some diagrams inclusing heart and Rose from pentagon
Small number of model: Turu, flog, and original model in animation step. The page says small thinks for origami axioms (mathematics)
Mathematical origami, inclusing unit folding, and geometryc construction folding.
Several textured paper model and diagrms.
Origami diagram

Japanese page. Origami for chidren
Japanese page. Origami Diagrams
Japanese page. Origami Kyousitu of Takai
Japanese page. tanosii origami
Japanese page. some unit origami diagram
Japanese page. Asobo is children's entertment page that include origami.
Japanese page. Origami for Equation solving (hoteisiki)
Japanese page. Katou's Origami for Mathematics.
mathematic for turu (origami) from kawasaki (simplified notes).
Japanese page. CD case from A4 paper
Japanese page Textured paper and diagrams for yatyou
textured paper model and foldding instruction in english, for Hokkaidou's Yatyou (japanese page). Part of "Arts & Reprots for Nature in Hokkaido" from http://www.cho.co.jp/index.htm.
Japanese page. Turu (ren-zuru and henkei-zuru)
Japanese page. turu and henkeizuru
Japanese page. Fuku yama rose is Kawazaki rose variant. This japanese page teach to begginers, how to fold beautifull rose.
Some diagrams inclusing heart and Rose from pentagon
Paper model of polyedra (not is origami)
http://www.mitaka-wakaba.ed.jp/kirigami.html, and http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~vk7t-ymnk/hensin.html.
Japanese kirigami page. Kirigami is not origami. the site http://snowflakes.lookandfeel.com/index.html present virtual kirigami snow flake maker.
japanese page. Make star usging kirigami (not origami)


Link for Japanese viewer, dictionary, etc
Japanese related software, fonts, etc..
Mview is full functional shareware for Asian character display for win written by Albert Chong (home page of albert Chong has desactivated?)
http://sourceforge.jp/projects/efont/, http://musashi.or.tv/aoyagikouzanfont.htm, http://yozvox.web.infoseek.co.jp/, and http://www.forest.impress.co.jp/article/2002/10/03/freefonts_special.html
efonts is free japanese vector font project. Japanese free true type fonts and related links (on "project page"). Kouzan font is "fudegaki" ("fude" handwrited) fonts. Y. Oz fonts is pensyuuji ("pen" handwrited) and "fudegaki", but "fudegaki is not complete. "free tegaki fonts" explain several free handwrited japanese fonts.
JWPce is good free japanese word processor for non-japanese windows andJFC is free japanese flash card system for non-japanese windows.
http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html and http://www.xemacs.org
Emacs edit international text, inclusing japanese, on english windows. To this, need leim ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/windows/emacs/latest (the gnu mirror are listed on http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html). On Win NT, it works with microsoft msgothic.ttf or msmincho.ttf from http://ftp.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/00INDEX.html. In way to use japanese x-font ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/intlfonts/, require apropriate configuration file. For Tex macro, see the Emacs on Tex/Ghost Script section. For japanese TeX source edition on any version of windows, use TeXmaker. On Asian windows or Win2000, will use WinShell too.
Global IME are input method for Japanese, chinese and Korean that workon the some windows program such as Internet Explorer 5.0, Out Look Express, Word 2000 and NetScape 6 series
The tutorial to produce japanese text using MS Word 2000 (comercial)+Global IME. For Tex/LaTex user, recomend pTex usage for japanese PDF typesetting on non-japanese windows on http://www.research-j.org/e-japanese/english/japanese-computing/platex/index.html (for japanese Tex source editing, will use NTEmacs that will input japanese in non-japanese/non-win2000 windows. See comment over NTEmacs on this section and Tex/Ghost Script section).
Aozora Bunko is the free digital japanese book colection site. Mirrored by http://mirror.aozora.gr.jp/.


http://biquinho.furg.br/tex-br/,http://sitelatex.vila.bol.com.br/ and http://abntex.codigolivre.org.br/.
TUG-BR are Brazilian TUG. SiteLatex is one of Brazilian site for LaTeX on windows, related informations and links. ABNTeX is LaTeX class for ABNT documentation standard (brazilian documentation standard).
http://www.cade.com.br and http://www.yaih.com.br
some of brazilian search
Brazilian dictionary to ispell - pre-compiled version (hash is the free BSD,. and link for brazilian online literature)
Voice commander/Screen Loader for win and DOS, designed for visual defficient person, linked by. The brasilian blind society is http://www.sac.org.br/.
Brasilian national library.
Portuguese literature
Poem in portuguese

Subject of Checking

Freeware/shareware hosting





Usefull softwares

Portable Apps for windows




TeX/LaTeX (japanese page)



Wall papers


