
The conference Advances in PDE and Harmonic Analysis, dedicated to the career of Jorge Hounie, will take place on January 09 – 11, 2023, in São Carlos, Brazil.

The talks will revolve around Hounie’s contributions to the field of the qualitative theory of Partial Differential Equations and its interactions with Harmonic Analysis: their existence, uniqueness, regularity and boundary behaviour; locally integrable systems of vector fields; pseudodifferential operators; Hardy spaces; and so on.

To register, please visit Registration, Contact & Info, where you may find further information about the event, about accommodations in São Carlos, and also submit a proposal for our poster session. The deadline for poster submissions is December 16, 2022.

Find here a poster of the conference, here the book of abstracts and here some pictures of the event.

Fribourg, 2008.

A bit of history

Jorge Hounie is one of the leaders of his field in Brazil and an international reference on the subjects of PDEs and Harmonic Analysis, to which he dedicated most of his career. He concluded his PhD from Rutgers University in 1974, under supervision of François Treves, and in 1976 went to Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), where he eventually became Full Professor.

In 1995, Hounie moved to São Carlos to join Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) as Full Professor. Although formally retired since 2010, his work on research and supervision is strong as ever; as from 2016, he holds the title of Professor Ad Honorem from that institution.

As of today, Hounie has published almost one hundred research articles in highly prestigious journals, both single authored and jointly with almost 30 collaborators from Brazil and abroad, with over 1300 citations. He holds a top scholarship from CNPq for high productivity researchers, is a permanent member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) since 1999 and has participated in several committees in CNPq and FAPESP.

His services to Brazilian mathematics are also deeply felt through his training of young mathematicians, having supervised 13 MSc students, 13 PhDs and 7 post-docs, and through the coordination of the FAPESP project “Teoria Geométrica de EDPs e Várias Variáveis Complexas” (several grants since 2004).